All profits from the Polar Bear Plunge go to charity. As host charity, Earthworks will receive 70%, and our guest charity Youth Talk will receive 30%.
Our host charity is…

Earthworks St Albans is a small, award-winning charity nurturing local people with learning disabilities to reach their full potential.
We offer Social and Therapeutic Horticulture and nature-based activities to those known as our Earthworkers.
Earthworkers, volunteers and staff work and learn together to manage a 3.5-acre site in Hixberry Lane. We focus on sustainability, organic horticulture and traditional countryside skills. Our site includes: ornamental gardens, allotment market gardens, a heritage orchard, woodland, pond habitats, wildflower meadow and a polytunnel.
Our work, our beautiful eco-gardens and our deeply compassionate staff and volunteers encourage people of all abilities to develop skills, build confidence, boost wellbeing, and champion social inclusion.
Members of the public can visit Earthworks to buy our produce between 9.30am and 3pm, Monday to Friday. We also have a stall at the monthly St Albans Farmers’ Market. We sell fruit, vegetables, herbs and crafts produced at Hixberry Lane. And look out for our weekend open gardens throughout the year.
Earthworks St Albans is a registered charity number 1067139.
Our guest charity for 2021 is…
It can be hard enough for young people growing up in today’s world without the additional challenge’s life can bring. From family problems to exam stress and peer pressure, body image anxiety to social media bullying, trying to get through life can be completely overwhelming. It can feel impossible to cope, and some young people can’t.
Youth Talk provides free, confidential counselling to 13-25 year olds in St Albans and surrounding areas, delivered by experienced professionals and without judgement. We’re determined that every young person has a safe place to talk in confidence, whatever’s on their mind.
We are proud of our strong reputation. For over 20 years, we have offered young people a dedicated service. Whatever a young person is going through we take time to understand and respond. They don’t need anyone’s permission to talk to us, and every conversation is kept confidential. Because there are no referrals or layers of assessments to get through, we can start supporting young people quickly to stop things getting worse.
Demand for our service is growing, Youth Talk is needed more than ever. Your donations really will help us be there for young people in the District. Thank you in advance for your support of the Polar Plunge.
Youth Talk is a registered charity number 1063572